Announcement: DOEE has begun the update process for its Clean Energy DC Plan. Clean Energy DC 2.0 (CEDC 2.0) is the latest effort to develop a cutting-edge climate and energy action plan for the District of Columbia. CEDC 2.0 will serve as an update to Mayor Bowser's first Clean Energy DC Plan, released in 2018. For resources and information on the planning process, please visit the Clean Energy DC 2.0 website.
Clean Energy DC is the District of Columbia’s energy and climate action plan. It explains how the District will use forward-looking energy policies, while also encouraging innovation, efficiency, and resiliency. Clean Energy DC re-imagines what a 21st century energy system could be but is also pragmatic and focused on achieving tangible goals.
Clean Energy DC identifies what actions need to be taken between now and 2032 in our buildings, our energy infrastructure, and our transportation system to meet the District’s ambitious GHG reduction targets. It lists 57 actions that we can do today, next steps for each, and what we will need to do in the future.
The plan aims to reduce emissions by 56% in 2032 compared to the baseline year of 2006 through the implementation of the 57 action items.
Clean Energy DC Plan & Summary Documents:
Clean Energy DC Laws
The Strategic Electrification Roadmap for Buildings and Transportation in the District of Columbia
The Strategic Electrification Roadmap for Buildings and Transportation (Roadmap) outlines the scope and scale of energy efficiency and electrification measures needed to meet the District of Columbia’s climate targets as delineated in the Clean Energy DC Plan. Through five sequential Tasks of investigation, the Roadmap concludes that Pepco’s grid is well positioned to handle projected electrification loads between now and 2032. Long-term planning including appropriate Benefit-Cost testing, integrated distribution system planning, and grid modernization efforts will be required for incorporating future loads.
DOEE regularly reports on its progress implementing the plan. For the latest updates, please the CEDC2.0 website.
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Clean Energy DC - Full Report
Clean Energy DC: Summary Report
Clean Energy DC: One Pager
Clean Energy DC Flyer
Clean Energy DC: Draft Full Report
Clean Energy DC Supplement: Peer Review Report
Clean Energy DC: Presentation
Clean Energy DC 2.0 Informational Presentation - June 17, 2021
June 17, 2021: Slide deck
PJM Market Study
Strategic Electrification Roadmap-reducedsize.pdf