New Restaurant Partnership Agreement

Many budding restaurateurs enter into partnerships with others who can provide the necessary financial resources and business expertise to make the effort a success. Partnerships can be sealed with a handshake, but a binding legal agreement is a much better way to ensure your restaurant runs smoothly. That way everyone involved will have his or her contributions, expectations, roles and risks clearly documented.

Duties and Authorities

A restaurant partnership agreement should codify what each member brings to the table. One partner might be responsible for the start-up capital required to secure the facilities and equipment, for example, and another for running day-to-day operations once the restaurant opens. Spell out who is in charge of each part of the business. You don't want a situation where two or more partners feel they have the right to pick the restaurant's menu or fire the chef.

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Dividing Stakes in the Business

Absent a specific agreement, each restaurant partner may be personally responsible for the debts of the business should things turn sour. A partnership agreement should spell out everyone's stake in the venture, both in how profit gets divided and losses assessed. In a limited partnership, for example, someone may contribute capital to the restaurant and share in any profits, but explicitly not take any management role and incur no liability for debts beyond that initial investment.

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Admission and Dissolution

A partnership agreement should detail how new members may be admitted, as well as the process for when an existing partner wants to leave. Restaurants may require additional financial backing, for example, which means a member with additional financial resources becomes desirable. Codify whether new members can be admitted by a majority vote or a supermajority, or if any additions require unanimous consent.

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Similarly, an agreement needs to detail what happens when a partner resigns. Existing partners may have the priority to buy those shares. Also, decide how the value of that partnership will be determined, as the initial investments can increase or decrease in value over time.

Protecting Your Interest

Settling those terms is an important part of the process, but they're meaningless if they can't be carried out. To protect your interest in the restaurant, the agreement should also clarify how the remaining partners will fund a buyout. Ideally, there will be capital or established credit available to do this. If one or more partners should die or become incapacitated, the situation becomes even more complex.

The best option is often for each of the principals to be covered through "key person" insurance, which pays on the death or disability of that individual. Depending on your needs and the insurance you choose, the proceeds can be used to buy out the former principal's heirs, or to hire one or more persons to take over the former principal's managerial duties.

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Dealing With Disputes

Even the most well-thought-out partnerships can find themselves at loggerheads when its members disagree. To avoid the situation turning ugly, a partnership agreement should detail how disputes are resolved. Mandating third-party arbitration, for example, can keep arguments from escalating into a lengthy court drama. Mediation can be another approach a partnership agreement may require before any legal action can take place.


These are just some of the things to consider when creating a partnership agreement. An experienced attorney can be a great resource.