Learn more about the new AAMC MCAT ® Official Prep Free Practice Exam and
other product enhancements that can help you prepare for the MCAT exam.

Free Practice Exam

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NEW: AAMC MCAT Official Prep Free Practice Exam

We are introducing a new, free, full-length practice exam with a scaled score and percentile rank. The Free Practice Exam has 230 questions from previously administered MCAT exams, with the same look, feel, functionality, scaled score and percentile rank as an actual exam.

The Free Practice Exam is in addition to the Free Sample Test. Please note that the Free Sample Test will not provide a scaled score and percentile rank upon its completion.


Khan Academy Lessons in All Practice Exams

Follow embedded links to Khan Academy lessons that cover the same content and skills as the questions you answered. Available now for all practice exams (previously available only for Free Sample Test and Free Practice Exam).

Beta Testing Create Your Own Flashcards (free)

Optimize your studying by creating your own flashcards in the MCAT Official Prep Hub. This feature will be available in the left-hand navigation of the free Online Study Plan Guide. Please share your feedback to help us enhance this feature.

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Beta Testing Confidence Levels

Select a confidence level as you answer a question in the Biology Question Pack, Volume 1 and the CARS Question Pack, Volume 1. After you answer questions, review your ratings in a separate confidence level tab within the score report. Please share your feedback through our optional survey in the question review screen to assist us with enhancing this feature.

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