View enrollment requirements and registration procedures and register for the upcoming school year.
To qualify for Pre-Kindergarten as a four-year old, the child must be four on or before September 1 and live within the District’s boundaries. Follow the steps below to enroll.
The Free Pre-K Program is an early learning program to prepare children for Kindergarten who are identified as at risk. Pre-Kindergarten provides learning to children who are four years old on or before September 1. Learn more about the qualifications for the Free Pre-K Program.
Tuition-Based Pre-KClear Creek ISD offers tuition-based Pre-Kindergarten to children who are four years old on or before September 1 who DO NOT meet the state qualifications for the Free Pre-K Program. Tuition for the Pre-K programs for the 24-25 school year is $600 per month for 10 months.
Early Childhood Special EducationThe Early Childhood Special Education program meets the needs of students who are identified as needing special education services. The ECSE provides services to children beginning on their third birthday.
Find your neighborhood elementary school. You must live within the district boundaries to attend CCISD schools or qualify under a residency affidavit or the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001. You will need to know the school prior to enrollment.
Free Pre-K Families
Begin the online student enrollment process by first clicking the link below to create a Skyward Family Access account. Families will then receive an email to complete the registration process.
Tuition Based Pre-K Families
Families who applied and were approved for the Tuition-Based Pre-K will begin the online student enrollment process by first clicking the link below to create a Skyward Family Access account. Families will then receive an email to complete the registration process.
For Skyward assistance, download our enrollment guide or visit our Support Center page.
During the registration process, parents or guardians must either upload the following required documentation where indicated in the enrollment form, or visit the campus the student will be attending to provide the documents in order to complete the registration process.
Additionally, if parents believe their child meets one of the seven qualifications for free Pre-K, documentation of qualification must be provided directly to the campus*.
*Campuses will be open from May 1 – May 8, 2024, to receive documentation.
If my family does not meet the qualifications for free Pre-K, can I pay for my child to attend?
Tuition-based Pre-K is offered based on availability. Learn more
If my child already went through the Pre-K program, do I need to re-enroll them into Kindergarten?
No. Your child will be automatically re-enrolled into Kindergarten.
How can I find out what school my child is zoned to?
Please use the School Finder tool to find your zoned school.
I live in the district, but my child is also enrolled in daycare. Do I enroll him/her into my zoned school or the school closest to my daycare?
Enroll your child in your home-zoned school first. Please use the School Finder tool to find your zoned school.
I enrolled my child and his/her birthday is 8/31. The application placed my child in PK-4 instead of Kindergarten. I wanted to enroll my child in Kindergarten. Will this be an issue?
Please reach out to the principal of the campus to which you are zoned. Contact information can be found on the campus website.
There are documents that need to be brought to schools in August, but Step 4 in the online enrollment process asks that the forms be uploaded there. Do I still need to upload the documents?
Yes. Parents need to upload the forms now if possible and then take the original documents to the school in August to be verified. Because the requirements for eligibility (limited English, economically disadvantaged, etc.) are state requirements, documents proving eligibility will need to be brought to your campus in person.
I submitted the application and it was denied with no explanation. What do I do now?
Please reach out to the Early Learning department by clicking here.
When will students accepted for the tuition-based program be notified?
For the 2024-2025 school year, tuition-based Pre-K applicants will be notified in April 2024.
When will decisions regarding inter-district kindergarten transfers be made?
CCISD aims to approve all inter-district transfers before the first week of school. We try to approve as many we can and as early as possible. Due to the need to monitor class sizes across the district, some will be approved this spring and others will be approved in August.
What is accepted as proof of income?
Anyone who is eligible to take part in the national free or reduced-price school lunch program is also eligible to enroll in Pre-K. To learn more about the free or reduced food program and its qualifications, click here.
How can I get a copy of my child’s birth certificate?
If your child was born in Texas, you can order a copy of their birth certificate online by clicking here. The cost of ordering a copy of a Texas birth certificate is $22.
What skills do children need to bring to the classroom?
These are the skills we recommend children start working on now in preparation for starting school:
Routine – Having a structure in place for how a day unfolds will make the transition into school easier for children and they will feel more comfortable.
Self-Help Skills – These can include being able to open things and put things away at home, putting on their backpacks on their own, and getting dressed (especially pants, jackets, shoes) on their own.
Toileting – Work with your child on going to the bathroom independently and without your assistance to build confidence in these skills.
Knowing important information – Please have your child work on memorizing his/her first and last name and address.
Will there be anything before classes begin to give a tour of the school to new students and parents?
Schools will offer days to meet the teacher and take a tour of the school to help ease nervousness about the first day. Most schools also offer a Pre-K or Kinder camp so children can get to know the school during a designated time and also get used to saying good-bye to parents. Please visit the campus website for more information.
What meals are provided during the day for students?
Breakfast and lunch will be apart of the school day for PK4 students. PK students eat together as a class. If students meet eligibility for free and reduced they will be provided free/reduced rates for breakfast and lunch.
Is transportation provided for PK-4 students?
If the child is eligible for transportation due to their address they would be eligible to receive transportation to school. If a tuition based student is attending PK not on their zoned campus they would not be eligible for transportation.
To qualify for Kindergarten, students must be five years of age on or before September 1 and live within the District’s boundaries.
Find your neighborhood elementary school. You must live within the district boundaries to attend CCISD schools or qualify under a residency affidavit or the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Improvements Act of 2001. You will need to know the school prior to enrollment.
Begin the online student enrollment process by first clicking the link below to create a Skyward Family Access account. Families will then receive an email to complete the registration process.
For Skyward assistance, download our enrollment guide or visit our Support Center page.
During the registration process, parents or guardians must either upload the following required documentation where indicated in the enrollment form, or visit the campus the student will be attending to provide the documents in order to complete the registration process.
How can I find out what school my child is zoned to?
Please use the School Finder tool to find your zoned school.
I live in the district, but my child is also enrolled in daycare. Do I enroll him/her into my zoned school or the school closest to my daycare?
Enroll your child in your home-zoned school first. Please use the School Finder tool to find your zoned school.
I enrolled my child and his/her birthday is 8/31. The application placed my child in PK-4 instead of kindergarten. I wanted to enroll my child in kindergarten. Will this be an issue?
Please reach out to the principal of the campus to which you are zoned. Contact information can be found on the campus website.
There are documents that need to be brought to schools in August, but Step 4 in the online enrollment process asks that the forms be uploaded there. Do I still need to upload the documents?
Yes. Parents need to upload the forms now if possible and then take the original documents to the school in August to be verified. Because the requirements for eligibility (limited English, economically disadvantaged, etc.) are state requirements, documents proving eligibility will need to be brought to your campus in person.
I submitted the application and it was denied with no explanation. What do I do now?
Please reach out to the Early Learning department by clicking here.
When will decisions regarding inter-district kindergarten transfers be made?
CCISD aims to approve all inter-district transfers before the first week of school. We try to approve as many we can and as early as possible. Due to the need to monitor class sizes across the district, some will be approved this spring and others will be approved in August.
What is accepted as proof of income?
Anyone who is eligible to take part in the national free or reduced-price school lunch program is also eligible to enroll in Pre-K. To learn more about the free or reduced food program and its qualifications, click here.
How can I get a copy of my child’s birth certificate?
If your child was born in Texas, you can order a copy of their birth certificate online by clicking here. The cost of ordering a copy of a Texas birth certificate is $22.
What skills do children need to bring to the classroom?
These are the skills we recommend children start working on now in preparation for starting school:
Routine – Having a structure in place for how a day unfolds will make the transition into school easier for children and they will feel more comfortable.
Self-Help Skills – These can include being able to open things and put things away at home, putting on their backpacks on their own, and getting dressed (especially pants, jackets, shoes) on their own.
Toileting – Work with your child on going to the bathroom independently and without your assistance to build confidence in these skills.
Knowing important information – Please have your child work on memorizing his/her first and last name and address.
Will there be anything before classes begin to give a tour of the school to new students and parents?
Schools will offer days to meet the teacher and take a tour of the school to help ease nervousness about the first day. Most schools also offer a Pre-K or Kinder camp so children can get to know the school during a designated time and also get used to saying good-bye to parents. Please visit the campus website for more information.
What meals are provided during the day for students?
Breakfast and lunch will be apart of the school day for PK4 students. PK students eat together as a class. If students meet eligibility for free and reduced they will be provided free/reduced rates for breakfast and lunch.